Monday, September 15, 2008

It's been awhile!

I can't believe how delicious these are! Like a slice of pumpkin pie! Like eating a Yankee Candle! Like biting into a Starbucks pumpkin spice latte! YUM!

Eating one of these in between typing... VERY delicious -- there are PECANS in them!

These are delicious -- chewy and muffin-like -- but I tasted a little hint of coconut flavor (blecch!)

I've been hunting for VANILLA Cookie Crisp for years now (went off the market when I was a kid) -- this doesn't come close, but it's still yummy. BRING BACK VANILLA COOKIE CRISP!

Pretty good for just 10 calories!

Organic -- saw these at Fairway -- I was in a hurry, so I didn't buy them yet -- but I have to try "buttered blue popcorn"!?!?!?

Didn't try them. Rold Gold has come out with SO many new flavors recently!

Looks good -- waiting for a party opportunity to crack it open!

Not a fan of the Cedar's brand hummus -- but maybe these are better. Will try them soon.
More of those grab n' go packs -- so convenient!

After the recent Tam Tam shortage, I was happy to see these in the store!

Halloween colors -- cute!
There must be 100 freakin' Pringles flavors available out there these days!

Just orange for Halloween -- one of Oreo's seasonal items.

More of that vintage packaging. Looks cool!

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