Monday, December 29, 2008

THE BEST OF 2008 (according to my co-workers)

Of all the new food products I've brought into work this year, Faye says the chocolate-covered goldfish are the big winner. Personally, I think it's just because I fed them to her at a very boring meeting. She hasn't been able to find them anywhere (hint: Target).

Faye's husband is still making his way through this huge bar. I haven't tried mine yet, but I bet it's sinful!
One of the all-time best new food products! Who can resist chocolate and peanut butter pretzels? They're like "Take Three's"!


Tostitos with a hint of Jalapeno! Look yummy, but not so sure they'll agree with my pregnant tummy right now!

New packaging (are you happy Mikey?)

The new "Splenda" -- Sugar In The Raw's answer to low-calorie sweetener. I haven't been able to find it in stores yet.

Hard to believe in this economy etc... that companies are still managing to come up with new packaging, new products. Haven't tried these yet, but the packaging is certainly a little more sophisticated.

New Gatorade packaging. I hear there are new Tiger Woods flavors coming out, including Blueberry-Pomegranate. Be on the lookout!