For Faye, of course!

Looks yummy, but I'm faithful to Hellman's

What, exactly, is "limited edition" about this???

I would probably become addicted if I bought this...

Or this!

Marley loves them, of course

And these!

I bought strawberry only -- like them a lot -- now looking for chocolate to try them

LOVE the raspberry cheesecake flavor. Not so much the chocolate chip cookie (surprisingly!)

Apparently Duff has a new line of baking goods. I wouldn't know, Linda, because I don't go down the BAKING AISLE!! So thanks!!

OMG, the fudge sticks are OUTSTANDING... and I can NEVER buy them again. EVER.

Bought Multigrain -- tasted them -- almost puked.

I'll eat an Uncrustable with any kind of bread!

Made this for dinner last night -- Brett and I both liked it A LOT

Will try this next!

Bought "Golden Honey Nut" -- pretty good. Not a cereal with milk eater, so I don't know about that... but good dry

Thought I'd love these -- GROSS!!!!! I'll be bringing them to the SuperBowl party: approach with caution!

I think I already had these on my blog somewhere, but here they are again.